Sunday 4 November 2012

Hello and GoodBye

This is a story about my life and my best friend , we had been friend almost 11 years ..when His family become my  neighbor .along we knew each other we never had a big  war nor fight ..Every single day we always playing together , If one of us get sick he will visit me  and me will visit him ,  i just consider him just  as a friend , some time he will take care of me until we was 8 years old .. he had move for his new home , while me had to move to my grandmother house because she had pass away on 16 Nov 2004 . even my house and his bit far , every evening he will come to my house  and playing together , but when we was 12 years old he rarely come to my house ,..we only meet at school was my luck we stay in the same class. we go to  the same high school , but when we was 14 you move to your new school , start that we really rarely meet ,  sometime i just chatting with you in the FACEBOOK   ...On 3rd Oct 2011 ..i just hanging out with my friend , suddenly i hear his voice shout out my name , i turn around to look .. He gift me a big smile . Then i said ,"What  wrong with you ?" and he said "This is my last smile to you "At that moment i feel strange
I really shock ,  i keep thinking what he try to said actually  , the next dayon4th Oct 2011, i start my PMR exam in the the first and second paper i take is kind a normal  ,i can able to take it with clam , but while my third paper , it kinda weird . I look out the exam hall , it's really dark i feel really not clam .my heart beating really fast .suddenly  there is a strong wind and smash my paper and my ID card . i really scare ..i don't what i scare for ..I look at my watch it was 0330pm. Finally the first day exam  had ended ..i heard my friend shout my name twice time i turn around  , she run to me , she take a deep breath slowly she said that HE WAS PASS AWAY IN AN ACCIDENT .. then i said ,"what you try talking about huh? " my whole body really weak i could able to stand up properly slow and slowly my tears down   ,in accompanied  by rain  I start my motorcycle and go to his grandfather  house ,I look there is many people i go home .i tell my mother
and i lying down on my bed ,i can't stop crying ,i could hold my tears , i hear his name been announced at Mosque , my friend  come and invite me to go to his grandfather house  and wait for corpse from hospital i go to his grandfather house , i meet his mother and said condolence . Finally the corpse had arrive .. I wanna look at his face when the ustaz open his face .I could hold my tears anymore i run out from his house , I go back to my home i cry and cry . but i pleased on he dead maybe Allah love him and take him early Al -Fatihah to the deceased  MOHD MUHAIMIN 

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